Conversations with Content

Recruiting C1 60 minutes 2-6 learners
Course Description

We (to be honest it is usually me) select an article about current affairs from sources with a reputation for quality and discuss it to pieces. Sources may but not necessarily include the BBC or CBS N ...Read More

What you'll learn

You will learn how to attack and defend a position. If you believe in something, you will learn how to explain why your beliefs are reasonable. If you do not, I will give you an example. You will also ...Read More

Error Treatment

I will only correct English errors if I cannot understand the point or if the speech is potentially offensive. I am aiming for understanding and clarity of thought. If I can understand you, you are good.


Early Bird Discount: The first 2 students gets 10% off to enroll in this course with an original price of NTD400.


Teacher Headshot

Morgan 來自加拿大,畢業自名校 University of Toronto 主修國際關係與歷史,他對於世界時事、社會議題、科技與創新等等議題充滿興趣,每天閱讀大量的知識與新聞。畢業後因為對教學充滿熱忱而轉入教職,擁有國際認可的英語教學執照TEFL,累計有 ...Read Full Bio

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Conversations with Content

喜歡題材都跟科技有關,可以幫助到工作。 問答當天才會知道題目,開放式的準備課程,可以更全方位的思考! 推薦喜歡跳躍式思考的學生!

17:11 Jun 05, 2023

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Conversations with Content

Morgan is patient and open-minded to different opinions. And he always has many ... read more

03:01 Jan 15, 2023

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Conversations with Content

Morgan creates a relaxed atmosphere in the class and provides inspiring topics e ... read more

22:16 Dec 12, 2022

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Conversations with Content

Morgan selects articles for us to discuss this section. He got some really inter ... read more

22:47 Jul 11, 2022

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Conversations with Content

課程聚焦於口說與討論,百分之九十的時間都讓學員能夠輪流發表意見。本期課程老師讓學員輪流選擇下週要讀的文章。課前老師會針對文章整理一些單字和可以討論的問題,但是課 ... read more

00:29 Jun 14, 2022

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Conversations with Content

Morgan is an excellent teacher. He provides plenty of time for students to expre ... read more

19:43 May 26, 2022

Online Course

This course will be conducted online via Zoom.

Level C1 Advanced

Proficient in comprehending complex and abstract information, communicating fluently with native speakers, and adept at paraphrasing. For detailed information on levels, please click on the link.

Class Size

This course requires a minimum of 2 students to start and can accommodate a maximum of 6 students. If there are not enough students 24 hours before the course start time, the course will be canceled, and enrollment fees will be refunded.

Refund Policy

You can cancel and refund this course up to 24 hours before its start time. For detailed information on our refund policy, please click on the link.

Course Attendance Policy

You must be 18 years old or above to enroll in this course.