Friday Night News: Bring your own News 🎩

Recruiting C1 90 minutes 2-6 learners
Course Description

This will be a conversation class about the news. 😄

Every student (between two and six in number) will get a chance to introduce a piece of news. This may be current events, business news, sport
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What you'll learn

Lots of new vocabulary and phrases , and also some structures and tips on reporting the news and summarizing (this is called “reported English” 👍)

Error Treatment

I will correct students who make notable mistakes , but mainly I just suggest better ways to say something.


19:30 - 21:00, Thu, 08-15
19:30 - 21:00, Thu, 08-22
19:30 - 21:00, Thu, 08-29
19:30 - 21:00, Thu, 09-05

NTD1890 / 4 meetings

Early Bird Discount: The first 2 students gets 10% off to enroll in this course with an original price of NTD2100.


Teacher Headshot
James Miller

James 主修英美文學,是英文老師、兒童劇演員、童書作家,擁有豐富的生命經驗。他有17年的教學經驗,具備無限的教學熱忱,特別適合第一次參加MDT的朋友們。平時喜歡打橄欖球、衝浪、帶著心愛的小狗阿雄一起去露營。

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Business English - Meetings, Presentations and General Corporate English

James is a really nice and friendly teacher who creates a relaxed atmosphere in ... read more

21:33 Aug 29, 2022

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Business English - Meetings, Presentations and General Corporate English

James很親切,會事前發佈講義在群組之中,不過也不用有預習壓力,老師上課時還是會從頭帶領。James會在談話中向學生延伸提問,引導並分配所有學生發言。還會在課 ... read more

19:49 Sep 17, 2022

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Speak: Easy Conversation Class

James 很有趣,也會讓大家有很多開口練習的時間,真的很棒,之後還會想要繼續報名James的課

10:29 Jan 12, 2022

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Speak: Easy Conversation Class

10:59 Jan 12, 2022

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Speak: Easy Conversation Class

整體不錯但缺乏主軸 上完課會不確定獲得什麼

12:57 Feb 07, 2022

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Interesting Expressions and Phrases

James is humorous and the expression phrases are interesting and useful. I reall ... read more

21:02 Jan 13, 2022

Online Course

This course will be conducted online via Zoom.

Level C1 Advanced

Proficient in comprehending complex and abstract information, communicating fluently with native speakers, and adept at paraphrasing. For detailed information on levels, please click on the link.

Class Size

This course requires a minimum of 2 students to start and can accommodate a maximum of 6 students. If there are not enough students 24 hours before the course start time, the course will be canceled, and enrollment fees will be refunded.

Refund Policy

You can cancel and refund this course up to 24 hours before its start time. For detailed information on our refund policy, please click on the link.

Course Attendance Policy

You must be 18 years old or above to enroll in this course.