[ Writing ] Gratitude Journaling in English

One More Needed B1 45 minutes 1-3 learners
Course Description

Need to feel more grounded? Want to find joy again? This course is designed for individuals who wish to have someone keeping them accountable for keeping a gratitude journal.

Through the practice
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What you'll learn

1. Cultivate Gratitude: Develop a habit of recognizing and appreciating the positive aspects of life, fostering a more positive and optimistic mindset.

2. Enhanced English Language Skills: Improve
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Error Treatment

A gratitude journal is something that should be very personal and can be very private to some. However, if you'd like me to go over your writing, and if you are comfortable with me going through your thoughts, I'm more than happy to look over them after class. :)


21:15 - 22:00, Sun, 07-21

NTD225 / 1 meeting


Teacher Headshot

大家好!我是Jean,我來自台灣。16歲那年決定前往美國接受教育。於2016年畢業於美國的 University of Utah,擁有Mass Communication Studeis BA 學士學位。 求學期間擔任國際學生會會長以及國際學生顧問,擁有豐富 ...Read Full Bio

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[ Writing ] Gratitude Journaling in English

00:38 Feb 19, 2024

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Emily Hung

[ Writing ] Gratitude Journaling in English

Gratitude journaling has definitely brightened up my week. I'm feeling more aliv ... read more

23:43 Feb 25, 2024

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[ Writing ] Gratitude Journaling in English

The "Gratitude Journaling in English" class is not like the usual ones. At the s ... read more

22:30 Feb 25, 2024

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Ya Ting Tasi

[ Speaking ] Chat, Chuckle, and Converse! 趣味英文互動坊


00:05 Sep 08, 2023

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[ Speaking & Writing ] Storytellers' Oasis: Learning Through Creative Writing

Jean is skilled at encouraging people to think about how to write paragraphs and ... read more

22:53 Mar 30, 2024

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[ Speaking ] Chat, Chuckle, and Converse! 趣味英文互動坊

Jean 上課方式很有帶入感~一開始都會跟同學聊聊生活,在聊天過程中Jean 也會針對大家口語上的修正做紀錄~It’s quite a wonderful ex ... read more

20:42 Sep 08, 2023

Online Course

This course will be conducted online via Zoom.

Level B1 Intermediate

For familiar topics, can describe experiences, events, and simple thoughts. For detailed information on levels, please click on the link.

Class Size

This course requires a minimum of 1 students to start and can accommodate a maximum of 3 students. If there are not enough students 24 hours before the course start time, the course will be canceled, and enrollment fees will be refunded.

Refund Policy

You can cancel and refund this course up to 24 hours before its start time. For detailed information on our refund policy, please click on the link.

Course Attendance Policy

You must be 18 years old or above to enroll in this course.