This course is aimed at familiarizing students with Russian literature, culture, and history. Another objective of the course is helping students to improve their reading comprehension skills and try ...Read More
Students will learn the basics of literary criticism (e.g., how to identify the theme, style, setting of a given literary work) and some interesting facts about Russia, its culture, literary tradition ...Read More
Students are encouraged to share their opinions and reflections on book chapters that we read together. In addition, there will be vocabulary building activities and group discussions.
19:30 - 21:00, Tue, 02-18 19:30 - 21:00, Tue, 02-25 19:30 - 21:00, Tue, 03-04 19:30 - 21:00, Tue, 03-11
Yulia 來自俄羅斯,擁有語言學的碩士學位,目前於師大語言學研究所攻讀 PhD,研究的領域是第二語言習得(second-language acquisition)。她的英文非常標準,擁有近乎母語者的掌握度;扎實的語言學訓練,以及非母語者的背景,讓她成為優秀的 ...Read Full Bio
Russian Literature
03:09 Jun 10, 2022
Russian Literature
多面向解析內文,Yulia 會引導學生去思考作者更深層想表達的意念,提供豐富的小說解析,為我們開了一扇俄羅斯文學的窗!
22:06 Jun 14, 2022
Russian Literature
上了Yulia老師第二門課了。老師準備完整的歷史背景,還有作者本身的經歷和人格特質,在探討書的內容時,不斷交叉比對,讓我們更容易融入故事中。並且ㄧ再讓我們針對主 ... read more
01:01 Jan 09, 2021
Russian Literature
Actually, I am very surprised that this love story, the novel in verse has so mu ... read more
09:32 Dec 18, 2020
Russian Literature
雖然聽過這本作品的歌劇,實際閱讀跟逐字逐句唸作品、跟著大家一起理解字句間的想法,是很開心的過程。尤其Yulia還說明了對於作者創作的時代背景,更有助於我們認識這 ... read more
21:35 Nov 12, 2020
This course will be conducted online via Zoom.
Proficient in comprehending complex and abstract information, communicating fluently with native speakers, and adept at paraphrasing. For detailed information on levels, please click on the link.
This course requires a minimum of 2 students to start and can accommodate a maximum of 4 students. If there are not enough students 24 hours before the course start time, the course will be canceled, and enrollment fees will be refunded.
You can cancel and refund this course up to 24 hours before its start time. For detailed information on our refund policy, please click on the link.
You must be 18 years old or above to enroll in this course.
Yulia always help us to appreciate the novels from multi-dimensional perspective ... read more